Have you Heard of an Ecosystem in a Terrarium? A terrarium is a glass garden comprising tiny plants and other natural things like reptiles, marble, and sea rocks. Having terrariums in your home or office brings out this natural ambiance in the room. Even though they are self-sustaining ...
How to Choose the Right Tools for Organic Gardening
Do you want to start organic gardening? Have you invested in enough gardening tools? While doing organic farming, you need to find the right tools to make your gardening experience great. This depends on the size of land that you have set aside for gardening. Many tools in the market come ...
How to Make a Creative Indoor Terrarium Garden
Have you ever wanted to start a plant terrarium garden in your house? Trust me, it is pretty easy to create one! I am sure you have seen a terrarium in one of your friend’s houses but didn’t know what it was. I am going to show you how to create one, how it works, tools to use, and how to maintain ...
Decorating Your House With Indoor Water Plants
If you are a beginner in organic gardening or want to create an indoor garden with your kids at home, hydroponic farming is the way to go. This can be as simple as starting with some indoor water plants. You can grow plants in just water without any soil! No more worries about your kids playing ...
Benefits for Gardening With Kids During the Pandemic
Have you ever indulged in organic gardening with kids? Well, this type of gardening requires growing plants such as flowers, basic vegetables, shrubs, herbs, and trees organically. It could be in your kitchen, besides your house, or even any free indoor space you can find. You can take ...
How to Decorate Your House With Indoor Plants
Indoor plants can make your house look so beautiful. I always thought of having indoor plants in my house for a long time, from hanging plants to water plants. So, when COVID-19 led to the lockdown, I decided to make use of the time. If you are also working from home, this is the right time to ...
How to Create Your Indoor Mini Herb Garden
Are you thinking of starting an indoor mini herb garden? Don’t worry, I will guide you on the best way to start a mini garden in your home. You will reap the fruits and feel proud of yourself. The lockdown meant a change in all of our lives. However, it came with more time at home, to create a mini ...
Top 10 Indoor Plants to Decorate Your Home in 2023
Have you ever thought of decorating your house with indoor plants? Guess how beautiful your home will look! You can consider in-house decoration to make your home lively. Not only do green plants increase the beauty of your home, but also have health benefits. Regardless of whether you are ...
Styling Your House With Hanging Indoor Plants
Nowadays, people enjoy having plants in their houses as much as they enjoy pets. Indoor plants bring life into your living space, be it your home, office, or dorm room. They also have some health benefits on top of aesthetic pleasure. Not only does it reduce stress but also reduces indoor ...
What you Need to Know About Insecticidal Soap
The use of insecticidal soap didn’t start recently. In the past, gardeners used soap sprays in their gardens. They used to boil water with Fels-Naptha soap to create a soap insecticide. As time went by, stronger chemicals were used to help maintain your garden. Therefore, people forgot about ...