Hello, Welcome to the Stay Home Stay Gardening Blog!
I am Maggie Ke, the author of this blog, working from home mum with two kids.
I have started this blog during the Covid pandemic time while I was working from home. As a working from home mum, you can imagine how stressful it can be working while taking care of the kids. Doing gardening definitely helps to improve my mood when I am under the pressure. Inside the garden, I feel that I can immerse myself in lovely flowers, the fresh smell and green life can refresh my spirit again.
In addition, I find out that it is a good way of interacting with kids.
Kids, like to get their hands dirty! Gardening with my kids is not just finding a little project for them to kill the time, also train them to have responsibilities. They choose what vegetable/flower they want to plant and plant the seed into the soil, watering it every day, care it with love, and watching the plant grow. They always feel happy and fulfill when the seed turned into a little plant or the flower bloom.

Follow my blog to pick up some tips and stories about how to build a home organic farm, how to build a nice indoor garden, and enjoy the fun time growing the plants together with the kids.

My first little organic garden is started by growing cherry tomatoes, I feel excited when I see the seeds became a little plant. Then the flower started to grow and the green little tomatoes started to appearing. I still remember how I felt when I harvest the first bucket of juicy cherry tomatoes.
The excitement, satisfaction, and happiness related to gardening are definitely the cure of any blue day.

I would like to hear your story as well.
Leave a message below to share your experience, your gardening tips, and the gardening stories with kids.