Do you know how to grow mushrooms? Biologically, mushrooms are known to be fungi and reproduce by spores. You might have observed some mushrooms growing near tree barks or just near the roots. These fungi grow wildly on other plants or trees when there are wounds on the tree which might be caused by ...
How To Grow Blueberries In Pots – things you need to be aware
Have you ever thought to grow blueberries in pots? Well, they are great fruits that you will never regret planting. You will always feel happy while eating them. Blueberries are sweet, small, dark blue fruits and make very lovely smoothies when blended. To your surprise, these berries can ...
How to Preserve Vegetables for Winter
Are you thinking about preserving vegetables from your organic garden? That’s great! You might have a lot of produce from your garden and you are unsure of what to do with it. You will need to know the best way to preserve the produce to keep it fresh for a long time. These vegetables can ...
Best Tips on How to Preserve Tomatoes
Do you know how to preserve tomatoes? 95% of gardeners' dreams worldwide are harvesting juicy and fresh-looking tomatoes in bucketfuls. This ambitious dream can come to life if you carefully follow the best tips for growing tomatoes. This means using fertilizers, occasionally pruning, watering, ...
How to Make Insecticidal Soap at Home
Insecticidal soap can be used to control pests in your organic garden. Integrating proper pest control measures will ensure you maintain your plants. The use of insecticidal soap will help to manage pests without having to release hazardous products to the environment. The emergence of ways to ...
10 Best Healthy Food Ideas for Your Halloween Party
Are you preparing for Halloween? You may be wondering about the best healthy foods you can prepare for a Halloween party. With your kids' help, rest assured you will have the best Halloween you have ever had. Not only that, but they will be so happy with all the great decorations you have that ...
Best 15 Creepy Plants Ideal for Your Halloween Garden
Creepy plants will make your Halloween garden better. There is no need to waste money on fake Halloween decorations. Instead, why don't you plant some in your garden? Nature has a way of surprising us with creepy-looking plants. Their winding stems, colors, and weird flowers, and spikes are rarely ...
Best Kid-Friendly Ideas for Halloween Decorations
Halloween is the one time of year where you can act crazy, spooky, or scary with no judgment. This is the best time to decorate your house with spooky decorations with your kids. Combine efforts and decorate both your house and the garden! Make your neighbors or other kids scared when they come to ...
Top 10 Plants to Grow Inside Terrariums
Terrariums are an old-fashioned way of growing plants indoors. They were first discovered in the early 1800s by a botanist, Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward. He sealed a moth inside a glass jar with damp soil and a week later he noticed a small fern had started to sprout. He also noticed the walls ...
15 Indoor Gardening Ideas for Small Spaces
The more our cities are growing, the smaller apartments are becoming. However, don’t let that deter you from starting a home garden, regardless of your space! Worldwide surveys indicate that indoor gardening is an investment for your health. Worry no more! I will show you some DIY creative ...