It is Christmas time again!
My favorite time of the year! The snow, Christmas trees, Christmas song – ” All I Want for Christmas… …”
During the Christmas season, it is important to have both indoor and outdoor activities. These activities should incorporate both the kids and the family at large. It will help in the bonding process. The activities like decorating the garden together, or decorating Christmas trees, or going ice-skating.
It will be much easier for the whole family to bond and be able to catch up with having busy schedules every single day. Are you wondering what you can do during the Thanksgiving or Christmas season? Here are some amazing activities to start with. These festivals are more enjoyable when spent with our loved ones.
1) Visit Santa
This is specific for Christmas time. This will be epic to children when they get to tell Santa what they would want for Christmas. Santa has a way of making dreams come true. Don’t deny your children the chance to talk to Santa and hear what he has to say.
Also, interacting with people there is a great way to feel more into the festival. Due to certain restrictions, you can even opt to video call Santa Claus.

2) Go to experience live performances

You can also try to check whether there is a storytelling performance. This is another great way to interact with your kids. It is a great time to go and watch live performances in different places.
However, ensure the musical theme is suitable for both adults and kids. Live theaters are another great way to spend your time.
3) Creative Outdoor movie experience
When was the last time you went out to a movie in the cinema? Not just the normal movies you watch at home, but actually on a cinema wall, 3D or 2D?
The sounds that come from the cinema speakers can make you feel like you are actually in the movie set. Just check the premiering movies and see whether there is one that can suit your preference.
Additionally, you can make your own DIY outdoor movie environment. You can arrange chairs outside, and watch through a projector or TV. Try to make the experience as unique as possible. The venue can be on your drive-in or the backyard. However, ensure the weather is favorable.

4) Go to the museum

When was the last time you went to the museum? As much as everything is getting modernized, take a while and go with your family to the museum. You will learn new things that you had probably forgotten about.
Give your kids a chance to experience history as it is. This is a great way to make your Thanksgiving or Christmas more enjoyable.
5) Go for picnic
Who doesn’t love picnics? Well, you should plan one. However, first, you will need to choose an ideal venue like a park with an ideal picnic site. You can even go with your pet. Don’t leave your cat or dog at home.
Just make homemade food, Thanksgiving, or Christmas treats then go and have a bonding session with your kids. Nature has a way of consolidating our minds to feel more relaxed. The more, the merrier.

6) Read Christmas stories together

Another great activity you can carry out at home is to read a Christmas story together. Find the most ideal, then spend quality time with your family while reading them. If there is also a movie of the same, you can add it there.
You can both read the Christmas storybook and then watch a movie to make the activity more enticing. To make it more engaging, everyone can choose a story to read to the others while taking the festive snacks. You can then try to act the story. Yes, you read about Jesus’ birth, you can try to role-play to get a better understanding of the story. Not only that but also other creative short stories.
7) Bake together
Festive seasons are a great time to eat together and even prepare meals together. Just ensure you get all the required ingredients from the store. Search for the best recipes, then you can prepare the food with your children. Make it a family affair. The work surface area will get dirty, but what’s a festival season without the messiness?
There is a wide variety of Christmas treats that you can make together. Everyone will be happy about it. However, with social distancing and all that, you can share some with your neighbors.

8) Make greeting cards

It’s the festive season, why not make DIY cards and send them to different family members across the country. It can be hard to have face-to-face interactions with all the limitations.
However, you can create homemade cards, then post them to different family members across the country. You can get many inspirations from the internet. Remember, your kids need to be involved in the activity. Use paint, colors, glitters, and much more to make the cards appealing.
9) Snowman
How would Christmas be without a snowman? You can create a snowman and leave him in the front yard. A great way to make your home look cozier.
However, creating a snowman can be hectic due to the cold season and all that. However, you can still do it! Make sure you are warmly dressed to prevent getting a cold.

10)Decorate your home

It is vital to decorate your home during Christmas. Go shopping with the whole family. Buy all the essentials, then you can now start creating decorations suitable for Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.
You can even try to improvise other items that you have at home. There are many tutorials that you can use. Also, you can decorate your home using various Christmas plants.
11) Do an act of mercy
During festivals, it is important to remember the less fortunate. Yes, you should still remember them during other months of the year. However, during Christmas and Thanksgiving season is an ideal time too.
Gather with your kids; toys, clothes, food, and even buy from the store. You can then donate to various homes. Another way is through donations online. They will go a long way.

12) Visit an animal shelter

Have you always wanted to adopt a pet? Why not go to the animal center this season and try to adopt a pet. There are many pets out there, and you can get one that the whole family will like. Take it home! That’s your new family member.
13) Watch Christian films
During Christmas, it is important to remember what Christ died for us. You can watch Christian films or even other good films that have a lesson behind them. This will help the whole family to learn a valuable lesson.

14) Game nights

Christmas or thanksgiving can’t be exciting without game nights. Just play these normal games like ludo, puzzle, monopoly, scrabble, cards, and much more. The games should involve the whole family.
Also, you can try to play in teams to make the bonding experiment more exciting. Additionally, you can also improvise items and use them to play. You can also play outdoor games like football, skipping rope, and hide-and-seek. Just anything exciting and if the weather allows.
15) Scavenger hunt in the house
Are there certain things that aren’t used a lot while in the house? One person should decide to hide all the items in different places than the other family members to find the things. There should be a reward for the winner or winners.
This is a great way to socialize as a family and get all the required items. It can be exciting.

16) Create ornaments

Yes, you can get all kinds of ornaments from the store. However, it is also exciting to make homemade ornaments. For example, if you need to decorate the Christmas tree, with the tree in place, you will just need to create the decorations. It can’t be that hard.
This will also help to keep the kids busy the whole Christmas season. All the kinds of ornaments that you will need. You can also use old toys, candy boxes, boxes, and other recyclable items to create ornaments. You can even create bead bracelets.
17) Chocolate and cookie buffet
During any festive season, eating is a requirement. You can create a cookie and chocolate buffet for the season. You can then use different topics and flavors.
Just ensure that everyone feels happy about the various chocolate and cookie products. Make a cute presentation to make them more enticing to eat.

18) Wrap gifts

Christmas time is the most ideal time to give out gifts and hence you can try to wrap the gifts together with your kids. Try and purchase all the gift wrappers from the store and race with your kids when wrapping them. However, remember to give them the lead. Allow them to get the feeling of being victorious as they wrap the presents.
19) Build a fireplace
Another great way is to build a fire. You can join efforts and build a fire at the fireplace. This will get everyone into the Christmas spirit.
However, ensure there are no items around that can easily catch fire. Therefore, try to build a fire together to make it more exciting. You can even decide to have a Christmas tree sleepover there.

20) Start a Christmas collection

There are a lot of things that you can use to create the Christmas collection. These can even be from last year’s decorations, all other exciting stuff around the house. You can even get them from the store.
You can collect the items with your kids to make them more exciting. You can also brainstorm with your kids to know where to place them.
Make this Christmas season the best & unforgetable!
This time around makes the festive season more exciting. You need to strive to ensure that you have fun together with your family. It is vital if you want to enjoy your time together. Also, remember to do many natural things together without having to rely on digital forms like the TV and radio. Make it an epic time.

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