Do you want to start organic gardening? Have you invested in enough gardening tools? While doing organic farming, you need to find the right tools to make your gardening experience great.

This depends on the size of land that you have set aside for gardening. Many tools in the market come in different styles, sizes, and purposes.
If you are planning to have fruit trees in your garden, you will need more pruners than when working in raised beds that will require the use of shovels.
So, before you buy all the hand tools in the store, determine what you want to grow first.
Factors to Consider When Buying Organic Farming Tools
Here are some factors I considered before buying my organic farming tools: Size of the land, proportionality, use of the tool, quality, and material.
- Size of Your Land
The size of your land will determine the kind of tools you should choose. If you are working on a large piece of land, you will need a fork, spade, rake, pruners, ax, and other hand tools.
However, if you are just working on a small garden near your house, you may consider using just a few tools.
- Proportionality
You should give importance while going to buy tools or purchasing online. If you go physically, check the dimensions and flexibility of the tools carefully.
If you plan to buy online, check the product description to know the length, width, sharpness, and height of the tool. Choose a tool that you will feel comfortable using without overstraining.
- Use of the Tool
Purchase tools that you know you will use for your organic farming. Don’t just buy all the tools that you find in the store. They may end up staying in your storage room for years without being used.
The evolution of agriculture has led to less use of some tools because of new methods that are being implemented. Hence, prioritize the important tools first.
- Prioritize on Quality
If you are planning to use a tool for a long time, prioritize quality. You will have a strong tool that you can use multiple times during planting and reaping time.
Moreover, do proper servicing of the tools to ensure they remain efficient. Proper care and maintenance of the tools will lead to better gardening.
- Material
Tools made from forged steel tend to be more long-lasting and high quality. Before purchasing, analyze the material and handles. At times, before starting to use the tool, make sure you check it to prevent it from hurting you when in use.
The Best Tools for Organic Gardening
Organic gardening is enjoyable when using the right tools. Here are some of the 8 best tools that you need when doing organic farming.
- Trowel

This is one of the best handy tools that will help you in organic farming. It can be used to dig ideal planting holes, dig weeds, and create seed rows. When going to choose a trowel, check the handles to ensure it is firm and ergonomic.
I have a couple of trowels that help me while farming. The more I use the more worn out they become. So, I strive to use trowels to transplant my plants.
- Shovels

Just like the trowel, the shovel is used for digging holes and removing loose materials. When going to purchase the shovel, check the strength of the shovel and handle the connection. It needs to be strong.
Whenever I want to garden, I often take the shovel and dig holes for planting. This is because the kind of hole I will dig for a tree won’t be the same as for my vegetables.
You simply dig into the soil using the shovel and lift. I have never regretted using shovels in organic farming. I also use the flat shovel to make smooth sides, flip dirt, scoop up and move piles.
- Forks
There are different types of forks, the spade fork, broad fork, and pitchfork. You can use the spade fork for digging weeds, turning soil, loosening soil, and harvesting root crops.
The pitchfork has a thin tine and is great for spreading hay and straw in the garden. You can use it to clean up, move livestock manure bedding, and take compost to the garden.
There is the broad fork, which is a large two-handled fork that has three to five sharp teeth. When using the tool, you use your body weight rather than just your arm and back muscles.
I came to realize that forks with straight tines are ideal for digging, and great for compact, rocky, and clay soil. The square tines are stronger but can bend when they hit a rock or root.
- Rake
Rakes are ideal when you have a large piece of land. They are used for sweeping up dry leaves and dirt in your compound.

Hence, if you have a large compound where you have planted large trees for shade, getting an ideal rake is important. If you want a long-lasting rake, get one that has metal tines, the plastic ones will easily disappoint you.
An ideal rake will allow you to rake up plant wastes, dried leaves rocks, and make seedbeds. Just like with other gardening tools, ensure the handle is well mounted on the rake. It should be an ideal size to prevent overstretching your body.
- Pruners
In organic farming, if you want to plant fruits and flowers you will need to buy a pruner. They are ideal for trimming small branches or harvesting.
Pruning is essential for continuous growth when the plant seems to have stagnated. Ideal pruners should fit in the palm of your hand. Moreover, sharpen the pruners frequently to ensure they work well at all times.
- Garden Hose

In organic farming, watering regularly is vital. Hence you will need to invest in a good garden hose. Before deciding to buy a garden hose, determine the amount of length you will need. If the water source is far, you will need a longer garden hose.
The hose length determines the water pressure, the longer the hose, the lower the resulting pressure. Store the garden hoses while coiled up and out of direct sunlight.
- Hoes
Hoes are good tools that you can use in organic gardening. They are useful for chopping weeds and pulling dirt up to make the plant more firm.
There is the warren hoe that is great for making furrows and removing weeds. The next is the shuffle hoe that shuffles back and forth over the ground. It is great for removing small weeds.
- Water Cans

In terms of water cans, you can either choose plastic or metal cans. I prefer the metal can as it lasts longer and is rust-resistant.
Choose an ideal size depending on your strength. The handle position should allow you to carry a full can and pour well.
If you have an indoor plant use a long-necked watering can, and if your plants are outdoor, use larger water cans with a sprinkler.
9. Weed Pullers
Weeds are destructive in an organic garden, hence, you need an effective weed puller that will help you to remove them. If you don’t want to casually use your hands while weeding, invest in a great weed puller.
The most ideal weed pullers are made of high-quality steel making them hard to break. The weed pullers can either have foot pedals or footplates that you drive into the ground.
Then lever the weed puller, and the weeds will come up with the roots and soil. This allows you to easily drop weeds into the bin after pulling them.
A weed puller is effective when used outdoors, for your houseplants, you can manually use your hands to remove the weeds.
Make Sure you Have the Right Tools!
On top of that, you need a wheelbarrow that can help you transport items around your garden. They come in different sizes and styles. You can either choose the traditional wheelbarrow that is one-wheeled or with two wheels.
Invest in gardening gloves, they should be durable and prevent you from getting blisters or hurt while working in your organic garden.
Once you decide on what you want to plant, make a list of all the gardening tools you want. Then, go to the store physically or purchase these gardening tools online.